Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chose to BE what you will to Be

 I am sure you've heard this phrase: “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” 

So what does that mean? I know there is a wise true in that. This song by Billy Ocean came to mind when I thought of that phrase. 

When you get discouraged or ready to give up, you lose your birthright to be happy. You must  do your best and give life your best to get the best. So if times get tough in your life, don’t get  discouraged and don’t feel defeated. Hold your head up, stick your chest out and find your inner  strength to forge forward. Chose to be what you will to be.

Remember: "Tough times never last, but tough people do.” ~Robert H. Schuller

www.CoachingByRea.com ~ Coach Rea

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Best of 2013 Part2

CLICK HERE to listen
As we say goodbye to 2013, I invite you to listen to some of the best moments, some of the best guests and some of the best information we shared here on Your Life Now radio show! This is part 2 of the best of 2013. My top picks for this episode are as follow:

Randy Taran

-Randy Taran, the founder of "Project Happiness", the author of "Project Happiness Handbook". Randy shared her passion of helping young people find happiness in their lives.

Remember happiness is contagious, so let’s pass it on.

Dr. Walter Jacobson

-Dr. Walter Jacobson, a California licensed certified Psychiatrist, the author of Forgive to Win" shared some helpful tips on how to take control of your life, regulate your emotions, manage your anxieties, control your impulses and effectively communicate with others.

Len Branson

-Len Branson, the Belgian author of "Superguide ME". Len said the real riches come from within. Len decided to test the LAW OF ATTRACTION which led him to create his documentary "Superwise ME! -Law of the Heart" he discovered the path to real riches, not the fake one.

Are you ready to take some positive action steps, set Specific SMART goals, and get clear of you want your LIFE to look like in 2014? Take the step to find out more by going to:


 Can you use some help?  How much time do you spend thinking through the choices that you make each day? How do you deal with problems in your LIFE?

Take the step to find out how my new Audio book, “YOUR LIFE YOUR WAY” can help you get clear of the goals that you could set to improve your life in many areas!
To download my new Audiobook, go to:


Thursday, December 5, 2013

THE BEST OF 2013 part 1

 Join Coach Rea for an inspiring hour with some of the best guests we had on the show this year, like Dr. Eldon Taylor, Dr. Shekhar Annambhotla, Daniel Milstien "17 cents and a Dream", and Craig Meriwether on depression. This is part one of "The best of 2013" on Your Life Now radio show.

As 2013 is coming to a close, we look back at some of the best moments, some of the best guests and some of the best information we shared here on the show! I hope I inspired you to take a close look at your life, and to make some positive changes that are right for you, so you can live the life you truly deiser.
I look forward to a great 2014!


If you like to share your best moment of 2013, please leave a message at www.YourLifeNow.info

Thursday, November 28, 2013

What are you grateful for? 11/28 by Coach Rea | Self Help Podcasts

What if you could live your life in a state of gratitude for everything you have or don’t have? What if you could wake up each morning, and instead of planning your day, your first thought would be “How blessed and grateful I am for today, for my life – and every day.” Yes you can turn what ifs into your reality. Did you know that studies shows that people who practice grateful thinking “reap emotional, physical and interpersonal benefits?”

Click Here to listen

Join me in celebrating the day of gratitude by sharing what you are grateful for.

Today, I will share with you some of the things that I am grateful for. I will also share with you some helpful exercises to help open your heart to the miracle of gratitude and the amazing changes that can happen when we become more grateful.
It said: “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.”
So what are you grateful for?

Contact Coach Rea today: www.CoachingByRea.com

Wednesday, November 20, 2013



Do you have any financial goals? When was the last time you examined your current financial situation? If you think you have a money problem, can you identify what is the real problem? Is spending "MATH" or EMOTION? Would you like to learn some helpful tips that can help you manage, track and control your spending EMOTION?

Did you know one of the factors that prevent many people from becoming financially successful is their false belief about money? In fact, some of the financial myths can negatively impact both your short- and long-term financial goals. Why don’t eliminate some of these money myths, so you can avoid the consequences of believing them and being trapped by them?

Join me and my guest MONEY EXPERT Rick Kelly and learn the steps toward FINANCIAL FREEDOM. With almost 30 years in the financial services, Rick is the Go-to guy when it comes to the topic of money management.

Contact Coach Rea today: http://www.CoachingByRea.com

For show inquiries go to: http://www.YourLifeNow.info

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bullying and Law of Attraction with guest Michael Losier by Coach Rea | Self Help Podcasts

Why do things happen in our lives? Are we attracting things to our lives unconsciously? Do you believe, it’s by coincidence, synchronicity, fate or karma, things happen? 
Would you like to learn some helpful tips and tools to help you attract positive experiences in your LIFE? If so, join Coach Rea and Michael Loiser “The Law of Attraction How-to Guy” and learn some helpful tips. 
” Remember that the story you tell and the thoughts you think create the results you get”
                                      To listen : CLICK HERE                                      

Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don’t. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC, Canada. He facilitates a number of in-person Law of Attraction seminars as well as Tel-seminars to a worldwide audience.

Contact Coach Rea today:



Friday, November 8, 2013

Finding YOUR Purpose 11/07 by Coach Rea | Self Help Podcasts

   "Dream big by setting yourself seemingly impossible challenges. You then have to catch up with them."

Click Here to listen to the podcast

Finding your purpose in life is about knowing who you are, where you are right now and what do you really want out of life. In other word, what makes you really happy?

Contact Coach Rea today: 
Skype: CoachRea

Friday, October 25, 2013

Your Thoughts Your Reality Radio with Rea Wilke 10/25 by FreedomTalkRadio1 | Spirituality Podcasts

On the air with my dear friend host Kirk Spencer. We'll be discussing/talking about what many consider to be simple things to understand, but we're going to look at these thoughts/beliefs from other angles.

Many have seen the movie/video, "The Secret", and have heard of, "the Law of Attraction", but when we take a step back from what we want to believe, what is the reality of these thoughts and how we live our lives? 

to Listen

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Inspired to be with guest G. Avetis 10/24 by Coach Rea | Self Help Podcasts

In spite of all the challenges G. Avetis had encountered as child and as a woman. She decided to beat all odds and followed her passion. She had discovered her love of language at an early age, and was inspired by the example of her grandfather, an author, to publish books of her own.
 Drawing on her strict conservative Christian upbringing, her work explores the immigrant experience as well as the role of women in different cultures. Fluent in four languages.

 G. Avetis is a native of Armenia, and immigrated to the United States with her family in 1993. She has a degree in psychology. G. Avetis is the Author of “CLOAK & DAGGER” Stuck in 2 Worlds.

G. now lives in Northern California with her husband and three amazing little boys.

Contact Coach Rea Today: http://www.CoachingByRea.com
If you like to share your message on the air contact us: www.YourLifeNow.info

Thursday, October 10, 2013

THE EMOTIONAL SCALE 10/10 by Coach Rea | Self Help Podcasts


"Emotions are what make us human. Make us real. The word 'emotion' stands for energy in motion. Be truthful about your emotions, and use your mind and emotions in your favor, not against yourself."

There are so many emotions that we can experience from Joy, anger, rage, hate, jealously, guilt, grief, depression, irritation, optimism, worry…. Etc. where do all these feelings come from and how can we manage them? Are you one that enjoys emotional challenges or intellectual challenges? Do you love to watch life or participate in life?

Today along with my co-host Kirk spencer we will discuss the emotional scale and the different ways to manage them. Kirk is the host and the producer of Your Thoughts Your Realty radio show, a qigong master (pronounced chi kung) which is a person that manipulates energy for healing.

Stay amazing,
Coach Rea

Contact Coach Rea today: http://www.CoachingByRea.com

To schedule an apt. visit: http://www.vcita.com/v/rea.wilke

for sponsorship& ads: http://www.YourLifeNow.info

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Future of Leadership is COLLABRATION

Are you ready to change from the traditional way of leading your team to become a collaborative leader?

What does a collaborative leader do?

 -Collaborative leaders realize and believe that power is greater in a collective team.

 -Collaborative leaders openly and with trust share information and knowledge with their team.

 -Collaborative leaders are open to receive suggestions and new ideas from their team.

- Collaborative leaders engorge and welcome the idea of brainstorming with their team.

- Collaborative leaders support their team with all the resources that needed to complete a task.

- Collaborative leaders resolve issues by uncovering the true root of the problem.

- Collaborative leaders are open to change roles and allows them to evolve.

- Collaborative leaders offer feedback and encouragement with personalized coaching.

Change is growth and growth lead to success!

Rea Wilke
aka Coach Rea

Monday, August 26, 2013

Build a LIFE don’t just live one!


Insights and LIFE lessons from Ashton Kutcher

  Life is a lot broader than what we believe it to be. Especially when we realize that everything around us that we call life is made up by people who are not smarter than you. 

You can build your own things, build your own life, so other people can live in it. So build a life, don’t live someone else’s live. Build your own life. 

Here are three life lessons to live by taking from Ashton Kutcher’s acceptance speech:

1)    Find your opportunities

2)    Be sexy by being smart, thoughtful and generous

3)    Build a LIFE- don’t just live one. Make it matter.

Look for insights. Be conscious of your action and design your life using your own blue print and not someone else's. 

Remember when you have the right attitude, you achieve anything you heart desire.

~Coach Rea


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Project Happiness with Author and Film Producer Randy Taran

What is happiness and how can we achieve it?

Click Here to Listen

Aristol said: “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of Life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”

The Dalai Lama said: “The purpose of our lives is to be happy.”
he also said: “Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions.”

My guest Randy Taran is the founder of Project Happiness, a non-profit program that specializes in emotional resilience-building programs that are used by people of all ages and endorsed by public schools, private institutions and universities around the U.S. and the world.  Randy is also co-author of the Project Happiness Handbook, an interactive journey that illustrates best practices in promoting social and emotional learning.

Contact Coach Rea today: www.CoachingByRea.com

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Dream Big and create the LIFE you desire

Form Positive pictures in your mind, take action and create the future that you desire. ~Coach Rea


Can affirmations help you manifest what you want out of LIFE? Do you have the ability to use your imagination to create what you desire? Do you understand how the LOA (the law of attraction) works?
What if with little determination, you can control what happens in your life? You've heard me talk about the power of affirmation and the right Self-Talk on this show. My guest today, Natalie Ledwell, will expand on this concept by introducing us to a powerful tool that can help speed up the manifestation process, through the use of “MIND MOVIES”
Natalie Ledwell is a bestselling author, speaker, The Inspiration Show host and the co-founder of Mind Movies. Her latest project is her new book ‘Never in Your Wildest Dreams’. For more on Natalie visit her website: http://www.mindmovies.com
Contact Coach Rea today at: http://www.YourLifeNow.info for guests and advertising opportunities.
or http://www.coachingbyrea.com to schedule your free consultation with Coach Rea

Monday, July 8, 2013


Did you know that, Self-awareness& Self-Management are key factors in your overall success? Knowing and understanding yourself, can help you deal with situations and obstacles better without stress and irrational impulses. When you are aware, you are in control. The choice is yours. Don’t give your power away by allowing your impulsive feelings and your irrational behaviors to control what you do with your life day in and day out.
When you are able to manage yourself, you are able to adopt to change and therefore, you can successfully make change work for you.

Self-awareness and Self-Management without any doubts are your greatest assets that can help you tackle any obstacle and grantee you a successful outcome.

Stay amazing,
~Coach Rea

Saturday, July 6, 2013


LIFE CHOICES aired 06/27 by Coach Rea | Blog Talk Radio

Click below to listen:


Choices are the most important things we can ever do to make our lives work better. 
When it comes to making choices; how do you rate yourself? 
Do you like the choices that you are making right NOW? If yes, why. If not, why not?
How much time do you send thinking about the choices that make, day in and day out?
Are you willing to make some positive changes to make better choices, to create a better LIFE?
I am here to answer all your questions regarding life choices.
Today, I am your guest and your host and ready to be in service.
Send your questions to CoachRea@gmail.com 
connect with me on Skype: CoachRea
check out my new YouTube Video: Self-Hypnosis

Thursday, June 27, 2013



I personally practice this technique that I've learned from The Silva system, each morning and before I go to sleep. However if you are going to practice this mediation at night, you don’t need to count up from 1-5, because you are going to sleep. Any suggestion you introduce to your subconscious mind during the meditation and with practice, it becomes your new habits and it will give you what you suggested in your waking hours. So give it a try and give it some time. Everything happens when we are willing and ready to make the change for the better.
Please reach out to me if I can be in service to you.
Remember, you are more than what you can see and experience. So expand yourself in every direction until you reach the top.

 Stay amazing,
Coach Rea

Thursday, June 20, 2013

CHALLNGES AS CHOICES: The Wisdom within by Coach Rea

How do you define JOY? How do you treat the challenges that comes along the way? Which lenses would you choose to look at life through?

Click below to listen


Julie said “being a human is a handicap but it has it is higher purpose” when Julie began to treat her challenges as choices, her challenges became a springboard to her spirit, her joy and her purpose.
Julie said: “If we can see too much of our inner lite, earth wouldn’t be a great adventure and discovery”. She also mentioned to choose challenges as part of the plan for growth.
Julie’s inspiring stories and strategies can help you see your dark times in a new light...and can help you find the most empowering keys within you.
It’s an honor to introduce you to this amazing woman; Julie Bond Genovese, a true inspirational speaker, an artist, a mom and the best-selling author of her award-winning memoir, “Nothing Short of Joy”. Her book was endorsed by Dr. Wayne Dyer and Dr. Christiane Northrup. Julie has been featured on TV & radio including Anderson Cooper Live, NBC LX, Strategy Room, The Aware Show & Oprah.com with Gayle King.
Contact Coach Rea today: 908-864-7919
No matter what you believe you are, you are always more than what you can see and experience. Stay amazing! Love, Coach Rea

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Powerful Personal Transformation

Are you ready to free yourself from past hurts and start living the life that you deserve to live?
What techniques are you using right now to honor the life that is giving to you?

My guest Nadia Powers will inspire you to take the step toward powerful personal transformation.
Nadia Powers is a leader.  A visionary. And a creation of her own making. She has brought her talents to the forefront of her life to create energetic harmony in the lives of all she meets. As Clear Energy Expert of The Clearing Clinic, Nadia combines seasoned creativity, expert intuition and heartfelt empathy in conducting the vast energetic harmonies we encounter every single day to align people with the symphony of their lives. Her work has empowered others to capitalize on major opportunities in business, relationships, and personal transformation. 
Contact Coach Rea today: http://www.CoachingByRea.com
"YOUR LIFE YOUR WAY" Is now available on Amazon for special low price: 

Live the life that you deserve to live!

Powerful Personal Transformation

Are you ready to free yourself from past hurts and start living the life that you deserve to live?
What techniques are you using right now to honor the life that is giving to you?

My guest Nadia Powers will inspire you to take the step toward powerful personal transformation.
Nadia Powers is a leader.  A visionary. And a creation of her own making. She has brought her talents to the forefront of her life to create energetic harmony in the lives of all she meets. As Clear Energy Expert of The Clearing Clinic, Nadia combines seasoned creativity, expert intuition and heartfelt empathy in conducting the vast energetic harmonies we encounter every single day to align people with the symphony of their lives. Her work has empowered others to capitalize on major opportunities in business, relationships, and personal transformation. 
Contact Coach Rea today: http://www.CoachingByRea.com
"YOUR LIFE YOUR WAY" Is now available on Amazon for special low price: 

Powerful Personal Transformation 05/16 by Coach Rea | Blog Talk Radio

Friday, May 10, 2013

Last-Minute Mother's Day 2013 Gift Guide for $10 and Up - ABC News

Happy Friday everyone! Wishing everyone a great weekend. Remember this Sunday is Mother's day. Make the mother in your life feel special and appreciated....Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. ~Rea

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Eldon Taylor Present "I BELIEVE" by Coach Rea


Is it possible to create balance, greater self-understanding, compassion and better life, by carefully choosing our beliefs?
What you perceive is what you believe, and what you believe makes up your Life.
 ~ Coach Rea

William James said: "The greatest revolution in our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives."

Eldon Taylor the Author of: “I Believe: When What You Believe Matters!” On the air with Coach Rea, Thursday May 2nd at 2:00 PM EST/ 11:00 AM PST

Eldon Taylor is an award-winning, New York Times best-selling author of more than 300 books, audio, and video programs. He’s the inventor of the patented Inner-Talk technology and the founder and president of Progressive Awareness Research. He has been called a “master of the mind” and has appeared as an expert witness on both hypnosis and subliminal communication.

Eldon’s book “I believe” explain in details how our beliefs influence our lives in every aspect of it. He takes us on a journey of self-discovery and in every chapter he guides us toward greater self-understanding.

Please share! ♥ Coach Rea www.CoachingByRea.ccom

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Tony Robins

Create a better career, business& Life

The good question that you must ask yourself! Do I have a job or career?
 Are you working for a paycheck or are you working on your passion? How would you like to discover your true talents and develop the skills that can help you live the life you dream of?  
Watch this video from Tony Robins the guy who taught millions of people how to unlock the power they possess from within. Tony said, we all have the strength within us to change our lives for the better.
Throughout my sales career, Tony Robins had inspired me to be successful and turn my passion into a career.
As a Certified executive Coach, My mission is to share valuable information from anyone who helped me become the successful person that I am today. Tony Robins is one of the best teacher I had the pleasure of meeting and learning from.

Be Amazing, 
Move forward and expand outward--Coach Rea

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Only when we look forward we can imagine the possibilities ahead! ~♥ Rea
Knowledge is power! The more we know, the better we are. Learn to understand and you would never be afraid to become the person you admire the most! ~♥ Rea
Are you ready to be inspired? Are you willing to take full responsibility of your Life? Can you imagine all the possibilities ahead?
My guest Randy Rosado is the Co-Author of “Pursuing Your Destiny”.
Randy along with his wife Michelle, discovered the ability to write and to speak with the intention to spread Love, Hope, Strength, persistence, and Determination to the world.
Randy’s mission is to inspire others to follow their passion and never to give up until they create the LIFE they desire. For more information visit Randy's web-site:
To Contact Coach Rea, Please visit her web-site: http://www.CoachingByRea.com
Coach Rea’s Audio book is now available for download on iTunes. Click the link below:
Love& Gratitude,
Coach Rea

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The choice to Live beyond limitations, and boundaries 03/28 by Coach Rea | Blog Talk Radio

Have you ever wondered what would your life look like, if you made few positive changes?
Are you ready to take some positive action steps toward a better LIFE?
Could the key relationships in your life be better?  Do you believe, you have a clear picture of what you really want out of LIFE?
Can you use some help?  How much time do you spend thinking through the choices that you make each day? How do you deal with problems in your LIFE?
Take the step to find out how my new Audio book, “YOUR LIFE YOUR WAY” can help you get clear of the goals that you could set to improve your life in many areas!
To download my new Audio book from iTunes CLICK HERE

Monday, March 11, 2013

YOUR LIFE YOUR WAY by: Coach Rea Wilke


Coach Rea Wilke

Life is a gift that has been given to us. It's our responsibility to live it right and to live it NOW.
 I love what Mother Teresa had to say about life: "Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. 
Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty,
complete it. Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it. Life is a song, sing it. 
Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it." 
It's my pleasure to share my new Audio book with you and with anyone interested in making some positive changes in their lives.  
Forward for the book:

Please check out my new Audio book, YOUR LIFE YOUR WAY HERE

Stay Amazing and live NOW!

Coach Rea,