Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Tony Robins

Create a better career, business& Life

The good question that you must ask yourself! Do I have a job or career?
 Are you working for a paycheck or are you working on your passion? How would you like to discover your true talents and develop the skills that can help you live the life you dream of?  
Watch this video from Tony Robins the guy who taught millions of people how to unlock the power they possess from within. Tony said, we all have the strength within us to change our lives for the better.
Throughout my sales career, Tony Robins had inspired me to be successful and turn my passion into a career.
As a Certified executive Coach, My mission is to share valuable information from anyone who helped me become the successful person that I am today. Tony Robins is one of the best teacher I had the pleasure of meeting and learning from.

Be Amazing, 
Move forward and expand outward--Coach Rea

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Only when we look forward we can imagine the possibilities ahead! ~♥ Rea
Knowledge is power! The more we know, the better we are. Learn to understand and you would never be afraid to become the person you admire the most! ~♥ Rea
Are you ready to be inspired? Are you willing to take full responsibility of your Life? Can you imagine all the possibilities ahead?
My guest Randy Rosado is the Co-Author of “Pursuing Your Destiny”.
Randy along with his wife Michelle, discovered the ability to write and to speak with the intention to spread Love, Hope, Strength, persistence, and Determination to the world.
Randy’s mission is to inspire others to follow their passion and never to give up until they create the LIFE they desire. For more information visit Randy's web-site:
To Contact Coach Rea, Please visit her web-site:
Coach Rea’s Audio book is now available for download on iTunes. Click the link below:
Love& Gratitude,
Coach Rea

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The choice to Live beyond limitations, and boundaries 03/28 by Coach Rea | Blog Talk Radio

Have you ever wondered what would your life look like, if you made few positive changes?
Are you ready to take some positive action steps toward a better LIFE?
Could the key relationships in your life be better?  Do you believe, you have a clear picture of what you really want out of LIFE?
Can you use some help?  How much time do you spend thinking through the choices that you make each day? How do you deal with problems in your LIFE?
Take the step to find out how my new Audio book, “YOUR LIFE YOUR WAY” can help you get clear of the goals that you could set to improve your life in many areas!
To download my new Audio book from iTunes CLICK HERE