Helping our children to become Happy, Healthy& Self Reliant
Did you know, one in six children has a developmental disability and one in five is neurologically impaired? Can toxic chemicals be the cause of most of these disabilities? Our guest today is Shelley Tzorfas the Author of “Recovering Autism, ADHD, & Special Needs” A guide to Help Parents and Those Who Work with Children Heal their Children Now.
Shelley is the owner of Specialized Tutoring/Learning Assessments and believes that the kids need one to one instruction. Shelley has been working with children and teens afflicted with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Dyslexia, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disabilities as well as average but struggling "C" students. Her book is a guide for parents and teachers to learn efficient and effective ways to heal special needs children now. The book also covers information on how to navigate the educational system from pre-school school through college, vacationing with special needs children, and career ideas beyond the school years. A must read for parents and teachers and therapists who willing to do the work and to children to become happy, healthy, independent and self-reliant.
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