Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Is LOVE the answer

Is LOVE the answer

Everything starts with a question! "Ask and you shall receive". "Ask and it's given". Ask and listen for the answers, right? In a world of chaos we need answers, but is that enough? 

Everywhere we look, human are being mistreated! Because of their skin color, ethnic background, gender, religion or just for being human.
It seems there are times in life when answers aren’t what we need. We just need to listen. Listen without judgment. Listen to the wails, listen to the fear. Listen to the divide. We just need to listen with an open mind and an open heart. 

Sometimes when someone is screaming for answers they are really screaming to be heard, to be acknowledged, to be understood and to be loved. And sometimes there are no answers to our questions large and small. And sometimes demanding answers won’t get us the answers we need. We need LOVE now more than ever! Is LOVE the answer???
Listen and be heard! 

Set your Intention to listen without judgment and to be heard without conflict and to LOVE without expectation! ~cRw

Rea Wilke
Coach Rea

Your Life Now, LLC
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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Is reality TIMELESS

Is reality TIMELESS

Some say TIME is money, some say TIME lost never found again. Einstein said, TIME is an illusion. Reality is ultimately TIMELESS
This sounds pretty bizarre from the view of classical physics, but from the view of consciousness theory and spirituality, it fits in perfectly. 

Some complain they don't have enough TIME or they are running out of TIME, because they are allowing TIME to control their lives. 
TIME is the teacher that kills its students. 

Don't let time be your teacher! Live and work in the now and build from this point on! No time no limit just now! What are you doing now? And Why? 
Ask yourself these two questions often and listen for the answers and you'll never have to worry about time again! 

Live, work, laugh and enjoy now as it comes and the next without the need to count time. Just do it NOW.

Thoughts by:

Rea Wilke
Coach Rea
Your Life Now llc


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Claim your Personal Power!

What a great day to be alive! 

Your Life Now, LLC

Emotions are louder than life – when our emotions are out of balance, they take control of our lives and dictate what comes next. When your emotions are out of balance – reach inward and try to center yourself internally. Examine the origin of these emotions and judge nothing. Learn more about yourself. Let the source of your knowledge come from you. After all, no one knows you better than you.

Learn more about what triggers these emotions and start taking control of you! Claim your personal power! 
Reach out to that someone who gets you! Someone who would listen without judgment! 
If you don't think you have that someone in your life, take a look in the MIRROR-you've got you!!!
Get to know YOU better. 
In the end of the day-you matter 1st and everything else comes next. 

Make it an amazing day! 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Press Release

Executive Coach, Rea Wilke to Attend
US Business Leadership Network Summit in Washington, DC

Bridgewater, NJ (July 16, 2015) – Executive Coach Rea Wilke, CEO/Founder of Your Life Now today announced plans to attend the US Business Leadership Network Summit to be held in Washington DC on July 30th and 31st. The US Business Leadership Network® (USBLN®) is a national non-profit that helps businesses drive performance by leveraging disability inclusion in the workplace, supply chain, and marketplace. The USBLN® serves as the collective voice of nearly 50 Business Leadership Network affiliates across the United States, representing over 5,000 businesses.

Attending the conference with Coach Rea will be Debbie Oveland CEO/Founder at “The USBLN® is an invaluable resource for people with disabilities in the workplace” says Coach Rea. During the conference Coach Rea will be interviewing Smart CEO Shirley Luu.

About Your Life Now CEO/Founder Rea Wilke:

Rea Wilke is an author, an acclaimed entrepreneur, and international speaker. She is the CEO/Founder at Your Life Now, LLC a professional coaching, training and Production Company. Rea is the host & the executive producer of the Your Life Now radio show with local and global listeners. Rea recently celebrated her 200th episode of her Your Life Now show.

Rea brings her knowledge & skills as a certified Business & Life Coach to her radio show with the intent to help make a difference in the world. She interviews bestselling authors, inspirational leaders and has been a guest on several radio & TV shows.

Rea has been featured on radio, TV, magazines and in a full page article in the Courier News Business section for her work as an executive coach and leadership training.

Rea is a Board of Director Member at To Love Children Educational Foundation International Inc. An organization that envisions gender equality where girls have the education to create a better tomorrow for themselves.

Rea specializes in working with small business owners and managers seeking information and advice about personal and business issues. Rea teaches her clients how to set themselves free from old beliefs, so they can expand their lives without any limitations. She also specialize in working with individuals and groups, helping them design and live extraordinary lives by teaching them how to achieve a greater self-awareness and self-respect.

Rea holds a Marketing and Business degree from the University of Wisconsin, Madison with a focus on international relationships. Rea continues to educate herself to be part of global movement toward a better world. For more information on Your Life Now go to

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Are you wearing too many hats at the same time?

Are you wearing too many hats and playing too many roles in life?

You can wear lots of hats, but you don't wear them at same time, do you?

You can have many roles in life, but you don't play them all at the same time, do you?

Enjoy each role you have in life, enjoy every hat you wear as if it's the only hat you have and 
the only role you distant to play. 

Give it your complete attention and stay focused and when are you done for the moment, when you are done playing that role for that moment, only then you can move on to next role. 

Only then you can wear the next hat and so on and so forth. 

Do yourself justice, be present, be kind to yourself and enjoy the moment. 

Enjoy the moment.

Remember to practice patience and serenity in your daily activities.

Stay amazing, you are amazing, and today is your day!

Love& gratitude

~Coach Rea Wilke


Your Life Now LLC


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Self-Management and Self-Awarness are key factors in your overall SUCCESS

Did you know that, Self-awareness & Self-Management are key factors in your overall success? 
Knowing and understanding yourself, can help you deal with any situation or any obstacle effectively and without any stress and irrational impulses. When you are aware, you are in control. The choice is yours. 
Don’t give your power away by allowing your impulsive feelings and your irrational behaviors to control what you do with your life day in and day out.
When you are able to manage yourself, you are able to adopt to change and therefore, you can successfully make change work for you.

Self-awareness and Self-Management without any doubts are your greatest assets that can help you tackle any obstacle and grantee you a successful outcome.

Stay amazing, You are amazing and today is your day to prove it.

Rea Wilke

CEO/Founder/President @ Youir Life Now, LLC

YLN Radio